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Do You want to be productive?

Do You want to be productive?

Do You want to be productive?

Do You want to be productive? Being useful consistently can be a significant issue, correct? It's not simple being known as the innovative one or being known as the one that can deal with any issues that get tossed into his face. The vast majority of us would prefer not to live with that kind of an obligation, however, the pitiful truth of the matter is that we are for the most part only scared of letting down people around us.

Being useful is certainly useful, however, a great deal of the time it nearly feels like we can't carry on all alone on the grounds that something appears to upset our dynamic, making us either never acknowledge how to fix the issues or just make us pick some unacceptable decision. This is the reason we tend to feel terrible each time we get chosen as the "useful one" since it accompanies a certain
the obligation that we are worried about the possibility that we can't clutch for as well long.

This is the reason we've chosen to make this short article for you. In it, we are going to exhibit each factor that will in general prevent our imagination and along these lines making us arrive at that bothersome old "an inability to write".
Thus, moving right along, how about we start with the clearest one, otherwise known as

The Top 10 to  Avoid to be productive! ways to financial freedom! use sakkemoto and you can say bye to your boss! learn how to achieve freedom!Photo by cottonbro on

1.Not settling on anything but perfection

This is definitely a pretty important thing to take into consideration,
since most people would think that going for the best outcome is a
positive thing, which it can be most of the time, but at the same time
focusing on the best outcome whatsoever can definitely lead to you
messing things up and becoming obsessed with making that idea
Instead of being a perfectionist you need to focus on just coming up
with a good way of fixing your problem, regardless of how easy or
hard it is to achieve. This is not a video-game, there are multiple right
choices for every problem so don’t let yourself be consumed by one
solution that seems impossible and instead find ways around it. The
more you work the easier it will become and thus you’ll get past any
problems in no time.

2.Healthier body, healthier mind

Stop frequenting fast foods and instead focus on good food
that will help both your body and your mind to become better.
Eating junk food will always hinder your body and mind since
it obviously forces you to focus on the wrong things every day.
Sure, eating a hamburger every now and then is not going to
destroy your brain and eating soya once per week won’t make
your brain increase in size, but it is worth it since at the end of
the day the happier your body is the happier you are, and the
happier you are the more likely you are to find solutions to
your problems without folding under the pressure.

The Top 10 to  Avoid to be productive! ways to financial freedom! use sakkemoto and you can say bye to your boss! learn how to achieve freedom!Photo by cottonbro on

3.Stop complaining

Complaining solves nothing, literally nothing at all.
There is no reason to complain when you can take
that time to find ways around your problems and
thus fix them before they become too much of a
hassle. Again, complaining helps no one, so stop
doing it. Just ignore that inner voice that tells you
that you can’t do it and instead focus on ways to pull
through. If you follow this ideology and stop
complaining altogether, you’ll almost immediately
see a difference.

4.Stop procrastinating

This is a very important thing to keep in mind because it is the
exact reason as to why most problems are not solved at the
end of the day. Procrastinating is a human trait; we know,
there is no single solitary human on this planet that has never
procrastinated in their lives, but that doesn’t mean that it’s too
late to stop doing it altogether. This is something that you can
control; it is not something that has control over you.
So, stop treating it like a must and instead focus on ignoring
that impulse at all times. It will be hard since it almost feels
like we are wired up with procrastination in our souls, but at
the end of the day we are our own leaders, nobody controls
our minds but ourselves. So, stop procrastinating and get
things done!

The Top 10 to  Avoid to be productive! ways to financial freedom! use sakkemoto and you can say bye to your boss! learn how to achieve freedom!Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile on

5.No More Clutter

Clear out your space and make sure that you work
in a safe environment, free of weird smells and
cluttered objects that cover every corner of your
eye. The more relaxing your environment is the
more relaxed your mind is, thus allowing you to be
more creative as a whole. This is definitely the best
way to clear your mind, you can even go for a sort of
a Feng Shui type of a room since it is known to help
you process information way easier at the end of the

The Top 10 to  Avoid to be productive! ways to financial freedom! use sakkemoto and you can say bye to your boss! learn how to achieve freedom!Photo by cottonbro on

6.Stay away from social medias

This is a hard one but at the end of the day it is
extremely important to do because it makes sure that
there are no distractions lying around in the back of
your mind at all times. Yes, social medias are never a
good thing because they tend to fill your mind up with
things that don’t matter at the end of the day, which
impedes you from focusing on what really matters.

7.Listen to calming music

Listen to whatever genre of music calms you the most.
Whether that be Chopin, Beethoven or Skrillex, nobody
cares what it is as long as it helps you concentrate on
what really matters, aka solving your problems. So,
make a playlist and start concentrating on your issues
and the answers should come at you in a matter of

The Top 10 to  Avoid to be productive! ways to financial freedom! use sakkemoto and you can say bye to your boss! learn how to achieve freedom!Photo by Christina Morillo on

8.Choose who you hang out with better

This should come off as a surprise to no one, but the
people around you tend to influence your productivity a
lot since you are constantly receiving information from
them, whether that is regarding your issue at hand or
about something that has nothing to do with your
issues, like last night’s football match. Choose who you
decide to spend your time with wisely since this can
mean the difference between solving your problems
overnight and never making a step in the right direction.

9.Stick to a routine

This is especially important if you tend to have a very
hectic lifestyle. The more chaotic your life is the harder
it will be to be productive. So, instead of just going with
the flow and having a very flexible schedule how about
you create a routine instead and follow it on a daily
basis? This will help clear your mind and leave enough
room in there for you to find the answer that you’re
looking for in no time.

The Top 10 to  Avoid to be productive! ways to financial freedom! use sakkemoto and you can say bye to your boss! learn how to achieve freedom!Photo by Daria Shevtsova on

10.Stop being so stressed

Yes, this does sound quite silly at first since being less
stressed is a whole other topic at hand that has its own
instructions on how to deal with, but at the end of the
day this requires nothing more than mental exercises to
fix. The more in control you feel the more in control you
are, so instead of breaking under stress you need to
work upon your issues and stop being so stressed all
the time. Ignore that voice at the back of your head
that’s telling you that you can’t do it and instead force
yourself to come up with solutions.


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