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Making money from your hobby!

Making money from your hobby!

Making money from your hobby if you could find a way to enjoy your hobby and make a little money?

Making money from hobbies is a time-honored tradition for all hobbyists. Some hobbyists earn enough to pay for
their hobby, others earn enough to offset the expenditure incurred by the hobby, and yet others
earn enough to quit their regular job.

Learn how to start making money from your hobby !

It’s up to you how much you want to make.
While not every hobby lends itself to great sales, the chances are favorable for most hobbies
can allow you to bring in an extra income if you plan it right.

If you want to make money from your hobby continue reading to find out how.

Before you begin your business, you’ll need to ensure your hobby is marketable and has an audience large enough to support your monetary needs.

We’ll show you how to do all of this and much more. Let’s get you on the road to

How Marketable Is Your Hobby?

Making money from your hobby one of the things you should consider prior to jumping into is to do a little research about the
industry and the audience for that hobby.

Let’s look at some factors you’ll want to consider as you contemplate turning your hobby into a business, whether it’s full-time or part-time.

How Big is The Market?

If your hobby appeals to a wide audience, statistically speaking, you are more likely to attract
potential customers. Find out how many people need and want the items you offer.

This is the key to deciding if you want to turn the hobby into a full-fledged business or even a part-time Making money from your hobby business.

The bottom line is that if only a few people are looking for products like yours, a business may not ultimately meet your ongoing economic needs.

Are You Creating Something People Will Buy?

A lot of hobbies involve creating a physical product that someone will buy.

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Hobbies like baking, sewing, knitting, and others come to mind. Perhaps you enjoy writing as a hobby. Will someone
buy your short stories, books, or poetry?

Is something like that selling already?

If so, you have more of an opportunity to earn.

What Can I Sell?

Making money from your hobby from physical products you create, such as jewelry and clothing;
however, you are not limited to physical products.

You can also sell digital products and services. Digital products can include information products, such as pdf reports, audio, images, and video, just to name a few.

You can also offer services such as ghostwriting, web/product design, coaching, and teaching others what you know about your hobby.

Not quite what you had in mind? There are more options to consider. Don’t give up on your dream for more income.

Are There Other Options to Earn Money?

There are many ways to share your knowledge and experiences, while making money. One of
the popular ways doesn’t even involve creating a product or service to sell.

person in white shirt holding black and yellow hand tool, Making money from your hobbyPhoto by cottonbro studio on

However, you will need to do some creative thinking; but you can handle that.
Instead of rushing to make a new crocheted blanket that you will need to sell and deliver,
recommend the instructions you used by supplying an affiliate link to them, as well as related
items such as yarn, crochet hooks, row counters, project and yarn organizers, etc.

If flying model airplanes is your hobby, instead of selling planes, consider selling parts, tools, and other
supplies because these hobbyists frequently prefer to build their own planes.

As you see, each hobby can be quite different. On that same note, the target audience, as well
as their wants, needs, and problems are very different. To find out what is likely to work best for
you, you’ll need to do detailed research.

Can I Skip the Stat Research?

In order to identify specific, viable options, for your potential business, you’ll need to do your

Among other things, you’ll want to find out the details about your target audience, including their demographics, wants, needs, and problems.

In addition, you’ll also want to learn more about the industry and the marketplace competition you’ll

This may sound like a lot but the more you know, the more likely your business will be to
meet your needs and your customers’ needs.

One of the best ways to find the information you need is to use Google Search. You’ll want to
look for stats about your industry, your target market, and popular products or services that are
currently available.

Learn how to start making money from your hobby ! ways to financial freedom! making money online !

Knowing the numbers related to your hobby and the corresponding business industry will help
you make sound choices and decisions.

Highly detailed stats regarding your market’s spending levels and other preferences will help you figuring out how many people you’ll need to reach and convert on a regular basis to earn the kind of income you want.

How Are Others Making Money From the Hobby?

Find out if you can make money from your hobby by checking out how many competitors there
are, what they are doing, and what they offer.

Find out what their best selling items are.

Research complaints and suggestions related to products you are interested in selling.

When you find a loophole or gap where a need isn’t being met, plan to create a similar item and
enhance it to meet the needs of your audience. In essence, you want to get creative and “build
a better mouse-trap,” so to speak.

Don’t limit yourself to looking only at the hobby or craft niche you’re in. Identify hobbies and
crafts that are similar to your own.

For example, if your hobby/craft is crocheting, you’ll also want to look at knitting, macramé, embroidery, quilting, and other “sewing” related hobbies.

This can be helpful in giving you crossover ideas. In addition, many hobbyists and crafters have multiple interests.

Selling Your Hobby/Craft Items

If you make an item that you want to sell to the public, it’s important that the product is
attractive, works as advertised, follows all local and nation-wide safety rules and laws.

Learn how to start making money from your hobby ! ways to financial freedom! making money online !Photo by Artem Beliaikin on

This is harder if you’re making items for children, pets, edible items, or skin products. There may be
special laws regarding selling your product, so you’ll need to check into what is required of you
and/or your business, from a legal perspective.

• Check the Laws – Every state, city, and/or county has its own laws regarding selling
your handmade items. If you’re going to teach people how to do the craft, there may be
additional regulations or restrictions, depending on the materials or methods being used.
It’s always a good idea to understand all laws surrounding your industry including the
local laws that affect you.

enjoy your hobby

• Systemize Creation Process – If you want to be able to enjoy your hobby while selling
the things you make, you’ll need to systemize the process and get slightly ahead so that
your customers won’t have to wait too long for their product.

• Get Legal – Make sure you have a business license and all appropriate licenses for your
area, before you start making sales. You don’t want to get a surprise fine because you
overlooked or ignored this step.

• Offer Multiple Payment Possibilities – When you are selling your craft items, it’s going
to be easier to make more sales if you allow your customers to pay in the way they’re
most comfortable. For example, cash, check, and credit. If you sell items online, you’ll
want to take payment processors that help protect consumers like and

• Price Your Products Right – Many hobbyists tend to price their work too low. Check
online and offline what your type of items normally goes for before pricing. Keep in mind
all the resource you use to create your craft. For example, time, money, and expertise.
Don’t undercharge for your time and expertise.
Turning your craft into a salable item simply requires that you think more about how your
customer’s experience will go when they buy your item. Will they feel as if it’s a good
experience? Will they be glad they spent the extra money on the handmade item instead of
buying the mass-produced quantity?

Hobby Related Services

One exciting way to monetize your hobby is to turn it into a service instead of, or in addition to,
selling the product directly.

woman in white tank top holding black and silver scissorsPhoto by Castorly Stock on

You can coach, teach, and write about the topic. Let’s look at the ways you can turn your hobby into a service.

• Coaching – Anytime you’ve successfully done something you can also successfully help
someone else through that same thing. For example, if you started a business with your
hobby successfully you can coach others to do the same thing.

• Teaching – Anything that you know how to do is an opportunity to teach someone else
to do it. It doesn’t matter if it’s painting, knitting, sewing, decorating, cooking, jewelry
making and so forth. You can teach people via small workshops or a lot of people
asynchronously using online

• Writing – There are lots of ways to approach earning money writing about your hobby.
You can start a blog sharing your projects, your how-to’s and the resources that you love
to use. You may even get sponsors who want you to use their products to help earn
more money.

• Create Videos – This is a great way for any hobbyist to earn money. You can create
videos, each with a different goal in mind. For example, you can demonstrate how to do
something, share how you make money, talk about products you like to use and more. In
short, you can serve your audience by being their go-to source for specific hobby

Making money from your hobby ebooks

• Create eBooks – One way to provide a service to your audience is to create an eBook
of different patterns or examples, or “how to’s” Even though the book is digital they can
print the patterns out themselves.Depending on your hobby, there may be additional ways you can help your audience.

For example, you can provide a service that helps others organize their hobby or crafting by going
into their homes and assisting them directly.

Another service that may work with your hobby/craft is to offer a beginner’s class, to help people
get started in the hobby. Once you do this, you may want to offer a more advanced class later to
show them great ways to sell their items.
Where to Sell Your Products and Services (online and offline)

One of the factors you need to figure out is where you’re going to sell your hobby related
products and services.

It really depends on the nature of the product or service on how you can distribute it, but these are some places you can sell your products and services online and

• Local Craft Fairs – You likely have some local markets in your area that you can sell at.
Take a walk around anyplace you think you want to sell to make sure it’s right for you. If
you don’t have direct competition that’s even better. Check their rules, find out the fees,
ensure you have the right licenses, and try it out.

Making money from your hobby markets

• Farmer’s Markets – Even though most people think of farmer’s markets and think only
of food, you can sell all sorts of things at farmer’s markets. Some of them have websites
with the rules listed. Otherwise, you can call them and ask if you can sell your crafts at
the market.

Learn how to start making money from your hobby ! ways to financial freedom! making money online !

• Flea Markets – Every area has at least one flea market that is set up to run often and on
a permanent basis usually on weekends but sometimes Friday – Monday. Usually, you
can sell whatever you want (within the law) at the market and you’re only charged for the
space that you rent.

• A Shop – Depending on your hobby, you might consider opening a storefront. A small
store can often be very lucrative. If you can’t make enough items to make it profitable by
yourself, consider cosigning other people’s work too.

• Shopify Store – You can start your own online store using software like,
which is easy to set up so that you can make sales online and control inventory too.


Learn how to start making money from your hobby ! ways to financial freedom! making money online !Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

• – This site is specifically for people who make things hand made or otherwise
somehow serve those who do. For example, you can sew and sell items you sew but if
you have a good source, you can also sell thread, material, and buttons.

• Amazon Handmade – This is a great alternative to sell your hand made items. It’s
harder to get in the “Amazon Handmade” system but once you do, you can sell more
because people trust Amazon and their payment processing system.

• – The barriers to entry are lower for eBay than a lot of others so anyone who
sells a product should try listing on eBay. You’ll have to pack and ship yourself but that’s
okay because packing and shipping gives you an extra opportunity to wow your
customer through your packing and shipping.

Making money from your hobby

• – This site lets artists list their own creations for sale. They even
have some lessons and teaching about how to sell your own crafts available to their

• – If you create high quality, hand made items you can sell them on this site
easily. You must have a account to get started.

• – If you’re an artist, you can use their system to upload your art onto
different mediums from t-shirts to canvas to shoes. Your customers can search for
products or you can provide links directly.

• Facebook Marketplace – This is also an easy entry idea. Everyone has access to the
Facebook Marketplace. You can even set up your own selling group too.

• Social Media – You can also use Instagram, Pinterest, and other social platforms to sell
your products and even services.

The awesome part about deciding to sell your products or services is that you can sell them in
multiple places.

You can put your products and services in multiple places. You should of
course, always have your own website in addition to any given platform you choose to use. Let’s
talk about next about what you need to market your business.

How to Market Your Hobby

Marketing handmade products or services effectively relies on understanding that your products
are unique to you and probably your customers.

When people want to give someone a special gift, they look for high quality, unique, and relevant personal items. These are usually perceived as being highly valuable. That doesn’t mean you can charge and get a fortune for your items. It
means you can charge a fair, yet slightly higher price than mass-produced similar items.


The first thing you need to do when you decide to open a business or shop is to map out the
content you’ll house on the site, such as sections, topics, categories, pages, and sections you’ll
need on the site.

This is the foundation and framework of your online home/shop. Then, set up a
website. Your website needs to provide information about your hobby as well as address your
potential customers’ questions and problems.

You should include an about page, a shopping cart, a blog so that you can include information and content of interest to your audience.

Social Media

Get an account on every single social media platform that your audience uses and share
information to them on a regular basis. The best information to share is anything you put on
your blog including blog posts, sales pages, curated content, educational content and more.

Online Marketplaces

Facebook has a marketplace, and different sites like, and so forth are
online marketplaces that allow crafters and artists to list the things they make for a price. The
reason listing in some of these places in addition to your website is that the more links you have
elsewhere the more you’ll spread brand awareness.


Learn how to start making money from your hobby ! ways to financial freedom! making money online !

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