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to understand your life's?

to understand your life's?

Ways to understand your life's perspective !

to understand; There is no doubt that for many people, life is simply too overwhelming.

to understand

Everyone is given the same 24 hours in a day, but everything you do takes time.

To fit it all in, it’s imperative to prioritize, organize, and delegate.

We live in a hectic and complex world.

It’s natural to want to get a lot done and to be able to point to your accomplishments.

However, to understand, if you don’t slow down and set some goals for your life, personally and work wise,

things won’t go as planned and will feel a lot more complicated.


A board full of notes pin to the board ! to understandPhoto by Polina Zimmerman on

When you want to simplify your life,

the first thing that must happen is to set your priorities.

This works for both your personal life and your work life.

to understand whether it’s a large project or a small one doesn’t matter.

Knowing how to choose where to start,

how to organize it, and what’s most important is essential to your success.

List Every Task You Need to Do

When you have things to do,

it’s essential to know what you are doing at any given time in the day.

Listing out all the tasks you need to do on any given day is an excellent way to figure out how to organize each task and get it done the right way.

to understand think of this just like Marie Kondo’s method of organizing your bedroom. You need to be able to see everything you have before you can organize it and classify it.

Put Each Task in the Right Category

Try to put each task into a category that lets you know what it’s for: personal or work.

Then also identify whether this task is important, urgent, or something else.

This is going to help you identify tasks that you can let someone else do,

as well as identify tasks that you’re doing that you can simply let go.

to understand Move Urgent Tasks to the Top

a manga cartoon girl with text to join here on social media;to understand

When you notice that some of the tasks are urgent, put them up at the top.

For some people to understand, it helps to separate work from personal,

but others prefer to just list tasks in the order by which they’ll take care of them.

You can make two lists,

or you can put it all in one if you have correctly identified whether it’s urgent or not.

Determine the Value of the Task

One of the things you must look at for each task is its value.

This is easier to identify if it’s a work thing. You know that putting an item that people can buy up for sale is going to make you money, so it has a high value.

But you also know that taking your child to piano lessons is a high value task.

to understand Know the Effort the Task Will Take

This is another important thing to note when you are organizing your tasks.

It also helps to look at effort versus value to help classify a task.

How long does something really take you to do?

How much money does it cost you to outsource it?

Identify all the resources any one task takes

- whether it’s you, someone else, money,

or a product that helps with it (like maybe to do this task you have to use specialized software that is expensive to buy and hard to understand).

In the last case, after studying the situation you may determine to outsource, for example.

Determine Which Tasks to Cut or Outsource

Now that you have it all out in the open,

it’s important to look at the tasks and determine which tasks you don’t even need to do at all, or that you can let someone else do.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s cleaning your house, cooking your dinner,

doing your laundry or outsourcing something at work or in your business if you have one

– the important point is to let go of the things you do not need to do yourself when it’s feasible to do so.

Don’t skip this step for simplifying your life.

You can separate it up if you want to, doing personal and work separately. But whether we like it or not, work and life are inextricably connected for most people today.

Knowing how to prioritize at home and work will make your life much more straightforward.


a big Liberia with many books and wooden rows ,to understandPhoto by mentatdgt on

There are clear benefits to being organized.

Several studies point to disorganization as being one of the main reasons people suffer from anxiety at work and at home.

to understand when people feel so busy,

they feel as if they cannot function and that it is not suitable for them

- for their home life or for their jobs.

As you simplify your life and become more organized, you’ll reap all these benefits.

- You’ll Be Able to Focus More – When you are organized, focusing on a task at hand is always more comfortable because you’re giving yourself the time to focus. No one is good at multitasking. Studies have proved time and again that people just think they’re good at multitasking, but no one is.

- You’ll Become More Productive – When you plan, organize, and systemize every aspect of your life, you’ll become super-productive. You’ll get more done than most people because most people don’t plan or organize in a way that makes them more productive.

- You’ll Have More Power over Your Time – While you’re given the same 24 hours in a day as every other human being is given, the fact that you know how to use the time given is going to be a huge advantage. You’re going to feel as if you have more time even though you don’t, due to the organization of the time you have. For example, if you take a shopping list to the store, you’re less likely to have to waste time going back again.

to understand stress

- You’ll Experience Less Stress – The appearance of less clutter around your environment, at home and at work, will automatically reduce your stress. The main reason is that you’re avoiding time wasters looking for things.

- You’ll Experience More Work-Life Balance – It’s easy to be overworked these days. Most jobs don’t have as rigid work times as they used to have. In fact, a lot of jobs want you there as much as possible. However, when you get organized and increase your productivity over everyone else’s, no one is going to complain when you go to your son’s ball game instead of working.

- You’ll Get Better at Setting and Achieving Goals – When you are organized, it helps you notice what is important and what is not as important.

That means that you can set better goals because you know what is most valuable to you and your life. Plus, due to your organization, you will be able to implement and take action better.

to understand every day

- You’ll Feel More Positive Every Day – A funny thing happens when your life is organized; you just start feeling happy. The main reason is that you have fewer stress hormones running through your veins. The other thing that happens is that you begin to feel successful in life. That makes everyone happy.

- Your Creativity Will Increase – It might seem counterproductive at first glance that organization and planning can make you more creative, but it’s true. Your mind cannot get into a creative flow if you are being interrupted all the time by other things. By setting up your environment to be creative, you will succeed.

- You’ll Have More Energy and Excitement for Each Day – Waking up and knowing that you can get through your day and feel accomplished is going to make you feel more excitement and energy for your life. You’ll want to tackle the day because you know you will win.

- You’ll Experience More Freedom – If you are currently feeling as if all you do is work without any fun in your life, and then you set up a plan to simplify your life, you will automatically experience more freedom. Time freedom is a great thing because once you realize you have time freedom, the next thing you will realize is that you have money freedom too. That’s powerful stuff.


to understand just think about how your mornings will be different if you’ve organized everything the night before. Think about how different dinnertime will be if you’ve organized and planned. How fun will it be to take a Sunday to play golf instead of doing laundry because you decided to outsource it?

Your day may look different from this one,

but it will be simpler when you’ve taken the time to bring organization into all aspects of your life.


Mastering the art of delegation is one of the skills that can totally change your life.

The problem with most people, especially women, is that they tend to think they’re the only one who can do something and do it right.

The thing to remember, though, is that "right" is often subjective.

Maybe someone else can do it perfectly fine.

Let’s look at some factors that can help you master the art of delegation so that you can simplify your life by leveraging other people’s time.

Hand Off the Right Type of Tasks

First, get a handle on all the tasks that you do.

When you can organize and categorize them, you can look at ways to make each task easier to accomplish.

In some cases, you can automate them with technology,

in other cases, you’ll need to find a person to handle that task for you.

Give the Tasks to the Right Person

In addition to handing off the right type of tasks, you’ll want to find the right person for that task.

If you know someone who is already good at that thing you need to be done,

they’re the most natural person to hire because they already know how to do it.

You just give it to them and let them do it.

If you find someone who hasn’t done it before, you’ll have to train them. That is an idea if your budget is lower but hiring an expert will make everything simpler.

to understand Get Out of Their Way

Once you pass the task on to someone else, get out of their way. Don’t micromanage. Sure, give them some expectations for the task. For example, if you hire someone to clean your home,

make sure to let them know about the things you deem important for the cleaning to be considered sufficient to you, then let them do it.

Most service providers already have a specific method for doing that task based on their expertise,

so it’s always best after you’ve agreed on deliverables to let them get on with it.

Use Your New-Found Time Productively

It’s not enough to just delegate a task to someone else, and that’s that.

Instead, use the time you gain to do something productive.

If you use that time to do something important to you such as spend time with your kids, your partner, friends

– or to do money-making tasks, you’re going to feel so much more productive and enjoy delegating more.

to understand If someone else can do something faster, cheaper, and the same quality (or close) as you, why wouldn’t you delegate?

If you are feeling overwhelmed because you are doing too much, there is no point in continuing.

Instead, invest in training and delegating to others because you’ll not only improve your own life but maybe theirs too.


Ways to understand your life's perspective! sakkemoto ways to financial freedom!

One way to become more productive is to automate the things that you can.

Today there is an enormous amount of automation that you can do, both at work and in your personal life.

Let’s go over a few ideas that might make a massive difference in your day, making it that much more simplified using technology and good habits.

to understand properly

- Set Up Your Computer Properly – Your computer can maintain itself with the right additions of software.

Set up your computer so that it automatically updates, automatically checks for viruses, and keeps the computer clean. Whether you have a Mac or a PC, there are options for you to learn about.

- Pay Your Bills Via Your Bank’s Bill Payment System – Now, most credit cards and bills today let you set up automatic payment options directly through them, but setting them up via your bank’s system is a better and more organized way to do it because if you need to change something it’s all in one place. You can automate the payment process, or you can simply go online and click to pay when you’re ready. Most banks today offer this service free too.

- Automate Meal Planning with a Dinner Kit – If you find that meal planning and shopping take too much time, you can automate much of this by signing up for a meal kit delivery service. They will then send you an email before each shipment, letting you now the additional things you need to buy. Then you can set up an order via for your local grocery store too, and even automate some of that via Amazon’s Subscribe and Save options.

to understand

- Go Paperless – If you have a lot of paperwork you’re always going through, try to find a way to go paperless. Paperless files are easier to find with a search than other types of files. Plus, you can set it up to do some of this automatically if you learn how to use your computer.

On Mac, it’s called "Automator on the Mac," and on Windows, it’s called "Actions on Windows." You can also learn how to use to automate a lot of filing functions, both at home and at work.

- Learn to Use Your Smartphone – Everyone has this wonderful device today called a "smartphone" that has more computing power than the computer that sent people to the moon the first time. If you learn to use the tools such as list keeping, shut on, and shutoffs, and so forth, you’ll be more productive.

- Record Shows – If you like to watch shows on your television, get a DVR or other system that enables you to automatically record the shows you want so that you can watch them on your down day instead of when they come out.

- Habituate Organization – Once you spend time organizing to simplify your life, you can make it feel automated if you just turn organization and cleaning into a habit. This is how most people learned to brush their teeth. It became a habit. Throwing away your trash each time you get a fresh cup of coffee can become a habit too.

Incorporate little habits into your day, and it’ll feel as if everything is happening automatically.

a humane hand and a robot reaching to touch each other, to understandPhoto by Tara Winstead on

- Make Your House Smarter – Today you can have a house that unlocks the door for you, turns on the light, preheats the oven and so forth – all from a distance and at your command. If you can afford to invest in this time-saving technology, it is a great way to ensure that things get done. You can even water your lawn or house plants using automation technology.

- Hire Household Help – Even if you can’t technically outsource some of your tasks at work to automate something, you can at home. Automate your household chores by hiring someone to do it for you every single week the same day.

- Create Systems – Anything that you know must be done regularly needs a system. Whether that’s paying bills, bookkeeping, or taking a bath, it all happens regularly. Setting up systems that use a combination of technology, delegation, and habit creation will go far in getting more organized through automation.

When you look at new opportunities to automate something, first think about the time that it takes you to accomplish it,

what your opportunity cost is for continuing to do something manually that can be automated in some way, and the value of that task.

Even if you only shave an hour off your day through automation, remember that’s 365 hours a year.

That’s over fifteen days. You can accomplish a lot in fifteen days.


Ways to understand your life's perspective! sakkemoto ways to financial freedom!Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

One of the most critical aspects of your life to simplify is your finances.

Taking control of the money that comes in and goes out of your household is imperative.

to understand many people, believe that their lack of money contributes to their complicated and overwhelming lives,

but what if you’re just not keeping your money

organized so that it works as hard as it can for you?

Let’s look at ways that you can take control of your finances to make your life simpler.

to understand goals

- Define Your Financial Values and Establish Goals – Knowing what is important to you about money can help you make the best goals. It doesn’t matter how "pie in the sky" your goals seem right now; having those goals and then developing a plan to get there is what’s going to make it simple.

- Assess Where You Are – Once again, you have to make a mess before you can streamline and simplify.

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